The West Suburban Leads Club is a group of dynamic business women committed
to working together for the purpose of building business relationships
that will increase their business success. For six years in a row, this chapter generated revenue of over $100,000 for
its members!
Join us at one of our weekly meetings (info at the left) or an upcoming
event (Events tab above).
Members meet weekly in a non-competitive atmosphere to:
- Generate business referrals for one another
- Identify or create networking opportunities
Learn marketing strategies
The West Suburban Leads Club provides its members with opportunities
- Hone their public speaking skills in a nurturing environment
- Share their areas of expertise with fellow members
- Find other businesses to link with to enhance each other's
presence in the marketplace
You are a good fit for our group when you:
- Want to grow your business
- See the benefit in helping others in order to help yourself
- Want to upgrade your skills
- Abide by the Leads Club Creed
Leads Club Creed:
As a LEADS CLUB member
I speak honestly and use good business ethics.
I am strong courageous and resourceful.
I know conscious cooperation produces results.
I make a commitment to the success and prosperity of myself and LEADS
CLUB members.